Website V1.1.0 Patch Notes

POSTED: Oct. 31, 2023, 12:04 p.m.

New Features

Enhancements to the website

Added a winterize ("decommission") button to the unit update page on the dashboard view .

This allows customers to decommission units for the winter or "recommission" units upon redeployment.

  • To use this feature to decommission units for the winter just click the three dots from your dashboard page on the unit you would like to decommission.
Edit Unit from Dashboard

  • From there simply click the button to decommission the unit and click update. This will let us know that the unit has been put in storage.
Decommission Button

  • To recommission any unit, follow the same process and click the button again to recommission (the switch will turn white) and click update. This will let us know that the unit has been redeployed.

Following these steps will help ensure that our Technical support staff are monitoring your devices properly.

Added a time-zone field property to users profile.

This will allow users to update their timezone at any time.

  • To use this feature click on the WaterIQ Technologies logo in the top right corner of the screen. Then click the account option.

Account dropdown

  • Next, click the timezone dropdown list, find your preferred timezone, select and click update.

Time-zone account dropdown

  • Following these steps will update your chart timezone dates. This will help you view the chart data in your preferred timezone.


Bug fixes to improve website functionality

  • Removed the chart resize buttons on the unit report detail page for mobile devices.

LAST REVISED: Nov. 2, 2023, 1:05 p.m.